
News & Events

MRTX1719 is an MTA-cooperative PRMT5 inhibitor that exhibits synthetic lethality in preclinical models and patients with MTAP deleted cancer

Mirati Therapeutics, in collaboration with Monoceros Biosystems and leading academic instituations, published a novel Cancer Discovery article entitled “MRTX1719 is an MTA-cooperative PRMT5 inhibitor that exhibits synthetic lethality in preclinical models and patients with MTAP deleted cancer“ Read Article

August 8th, 2023|Categories: News|

The KRASG12C Inhibitor MRTX849 Provides Insight toward Therapeutic Susceptibility of KRAS-Mutant Cancers in Mouse Models and Patients

Mirati Therapeutics, in collaboration with additional groups including Monoceros Biosystems, published a novel Cancer Discovery article entitled “The KRASG12C Inhibitor MRTX849 Provides Insight toward Therapeutic Susceptibility of KRAS-Mutant Cancers in Mouse Models and Patients” Read Article

January 1st, 2020|Categories: News|

Monoceros Biosystems: Bringing Professional Grade Bioinformatics to All

Monoceros Biosystems has been selected as a top 10 bioinformatics solution provider for 2019 by the CIO Applications magazine. The Moniker of the Unicorn–the mythical, single-homed creature–is typically bestowed upon an individual or entity that excels at multiple crafts. Stands to reason that Monoceros Biosystems-the bioinformatics solutions provider that brings top-flight analyses to small companies at affordable costs– named itself Monoceros, which is Greek for unicorn. Headquartered in San Diego, [...]

September 25th, 2019|Categories: News|
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